Pavlovo Posad Shawl Manufactory Awards

“Big State emblem” at the all-russian art-industrial exhibition (Nizni Novgorod)

“Grand Prix” at International exhibition (Paris)

Golden medal at World exhibition (Brussels)

Prize at International exhibition (Damask)

Prize at International exhibition (Leipzig)

International Prize “For the best trade mark”

Russian national premium “Best work of the year in the field of design “Victoria”

Russian national premium “Victoria” for the best work of the year in the nomination “Textile design”. Finalist’s diploma of the all-russian program-competition “100 Best Goods of Russia”

Golden mark “All-russian brand” (III millennium). Quality mark (XXI century)

First place in the competition at the Russian art-industrial exhibition “National costume 2000” history and the present. Golden medal at the Siberian fair (Novosibirsk)

The collective of artists led by the general director V.S. Stulov is awarded the State premium of Russia in the field of art and architecture for “Tradition and the present on the verge of centuries collection of shawls”.

Premium “Russian national Olympus” for the highest achievements in the social and economic sphere of Russia in 2000. Gold sign at the competition of 100 Best Goods of Russia for shawls of a natural silk. Silver sign at the competition of “100 Best Goods of Russia for printed shawls of pure wool”

Diploma of Autonomous noncommercial organization “Sojuzexpertiza” Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation For high consumer properties shawl 678 (Joy) and 855 (Shiraz’s gardens)

Gold signs at the competition of “100 Best Goods of Russia” for shawls of pure wool and natural silk Diploma of “XXII Federal wholesale fair” of the goods and equipment of textile and light industry for the organization of manufacture domestic high-quality goods of textile and light industry.

Order “Glory of Russia” for outstanding merits in preservation and development of national traditions of domestic arts and crafts

The national Premium “Tax-payer-2006” for the contribution to the development and strengthening of well-being of Russia

Diploma of Autonomous noncommercial organization “Sojuzexpertiza” and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation for high consumer properties shawl 992 (Sorceress). The diploma of XXVI Federal wholesale fair of the goods and equipment of textile and light industry for creative ideas and a high skill level of execution of collection.

The first place for drawing a shawl Reserved Area and the third place for the drawing “Wisteria”. Drawing Competition of textile artists in the XXVIII International Trade Fair for Textile and Light Industry

Diploma For the provision of high-quality products and a diploma from the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry in the nomination for creative ideas and high level of craftsmanship (XXIX Federal Trade Fair and equipment textile and light industry, Moscow, Russia Exhibition Centre 25 – 28 September)

Diploma for the competitiveness of the products and the contribution of the enterprise in the regional market saturation (Autumn Fashion Week Style and Fashion, Rostov-on-Don, 11 – 14 October)

Diploma for the preservation of traditions and consistent quality of products presented at the exhibition  at the 15th Specialized Exhibition of Textile and Light Industry (Autumn Week of Fashion and Style, Kazan, 14 – 18 November)

Honorary diploma For the high quality of the samples shawls, kerchiefs, scarves, mufflers, shawls, tablecloths made from natural fibers: wool, cotton, silk. The Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry and NGO “Soyuzexpertiza” CCI (Moscow, Russia Exhibition Centre, March 25-28)

Diploma of the Union of?Artists of Russia for achievements in creativity and promoting the development of Russian art (September)

Diploma  For the organization of the production of high quality textile and light industry (XXXI Federal Trade Fair and equipment Textile and Light Industry, Moscow, Russia Exhibition Centre, September). Grand Prix at VIII Competition of “Russian style”, held at the XII Russia exhibition “Buy Russian” for the collection of Origins.

The diploma of the winner XVI All-Russian exhibition-contest “The best work of the year in the field of design” in the nomination “The manufacturer 2008”

National award “Golden Spindle” in the fashion industry of the International Fashion Festival “Velvet Seasons in Sochi” in the “Fabric of the year”.

National Award for achievement and service in the field of textile and light industry

Award of the Government of the Russian Federation

The prize of “Russian Victory national competition in the field of design for the development of Heritage collection of shawls (December)

At the XXI International Festival Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk collective of artists Pavlovo Posad Shawl Manufactory was awarded the “Special Mention” Union State Permanent Committee for the creative embodiment of Friendship of Peoples of Belarus and Russia.

The prize of the national competition in the field of design “Russian Victoria” in the category “Textile Design” for the development of Heritage collection of shawls

The prize “Russian Victoria” of National Competition in the design of the high artistic quality of serial products in the category “Professional credo”.